
How to make video editing your career? Also explains the key to becoming a freelance independent!


In an age when video permeates every corner of our daily lives, video editing has become more than just a profession; it has become the core of cultural communication. From movies to YouTube clips to corporate promotional videos, there is hardly any media content that does not involve the hand of a video editor.

In this article, we explore the appeal and challenges of a video editing career, the freelance career path, and what it takes to succeed in this ever-changing industry. We hope it will serve as a guide for you as you consider a career as a video editor, to gain a deeper understanding of this field and its future.

What is a Video Editing Job?

動画編集 仕事

Video editing work is the final step in the video production process, and is responsible for editing filmed video material and shaping it into a form that tells a story.

This process includes editing video cuts, adjusting colors, adjusting audio, adding special effects, inserting text, etc., and requires a high level of skill and taste, as it greatly affects the quality of the final video work.

Specific job descriptions for video editing

The video editing industry is a diverse profession that combines creative skills with technical knowledge. Below are specific tasks performed by video editors.

Cutting and assembling images

Video material is selected, scenes are cut to fit the story and purpose, and assembled in an effective sequence. Timing and rhythm are critical in this process, and editing techniques are required to hold the viewer’s attention.

Applying transitions and effects

Transitions are inserted between scenes to create a smooth visual flow. Visual effects and animations are also added to add dynamism and expressiveness to the video.

Color Correction and Grading

It controls the overall mood and tone of the video by adjusting the color tones of the video to create a consistent look. Color correction is also important to ensure that the video appears realistic.

Audio Editing

Clearly record audio, remove background noise, add sound effects and music, and adjust audio levels to match the video. Good audio has the power to appeal to viewers’ emotions.

Add text and title

Add text or titles to the video to inform the viewer or add context to the story. This includes opening titles, credits, subtitles, etc.

Formatting and Compression

The final video is converted and compressed into a format suitable for various distribution platforms and devices. This facilitates streaming and downloading over the Internet.

Feedback Integration

Feedback is received from clients and stakeholders and revisions are made to reflect the feedback in the video. This process often involves multiple rounds of revisions, often involving many details.

These are the basic processes that a video editor goes through to complete a single video work. Depending on the size and genre of the project and the client’s requirements, these tasks can be even more complex.
Through these technical tasks, video editors create images that help tell a story that makes a strong impression on viewers.

Current and Future Prospects for the Video Editing Industry

With the evolution of digital media and the widespread use of the Internet, the video editing industry is growing rapidly.

With the rise of platforms such as YouTube and Netflix, individuals can now produce and distribute high-quality video content.
Video content is also becoming increasingly important in corporate marketing strategies, and demand for video editors is on the rise.

As for the future, new technologies such as VR and AR are expected to develop, and video editing skills in these fields will become important.
In addition, the spread of remote work is creating an environment in which people can work from any location, expanding career paths as freelancers.

Benefits of Video Editing as a Job

Video editing is a profession that is in great demand today, as video has established itself as a major means of communication. Below are some of the main advantages of video editing as a career

Video editors themselves are in high demand.

As consumption of digital content increases, so does the demand for video editors.

Companies are using video in their marketing and advertising, and YouTubers and influencers are demanding quality videos to attract viewers to their channels.

Video content is also becoming important in the education, training, and entertainment industries, and the demand for video editors working in these fields is expected to continue.

Diverse Work Styles

Video editors can choose from a variety of work options, including full-time employment, freelance, contract-based, and remote work.

Working as a freelancer, in particular, allows them to work on projects of their choice, at their preferred time and location.
This flexibility is a great advantage for those who value work-life balance.

It allows for creativity and self-expression.

Video editing is a creative process, allowing the editor to express his or her ideas and vision through the footage.
Every choice, from cutting the footage to adjusting the colors and choosing the music, affects the storytelling and requires creativity from the editor.

Having one’s work seen by and inspiring so many people can bring a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

Disadvantages of working in video editing

While video editing work has many attractions, there are also several disadvantages.
Understanding and addressing these challenges is critical to long-term success in this field. Here are some of the disadvantages of working in video editing.

Work hours tend to be irregular

Video editing work is often project-based and may require working long hours and late nights when deadlines are looming.

Freelancers, in particular, tend to have irregular work hours because of the need to be flexible and responsive to client requirements.
This situation can affect your personal time and health.

Income stability depends on the project.

The income of video editors fluctuates greatly depending on the number and type of projects they work on. Especially when working as a freelancer, it is not uncommon for income to be irregular, as project acquisition is often unstable.

In addition, gaps between projects can disrupt income, so it is necessary to make a continuous effort to obtain projects in order to secure a steady income.

Technological innovation requires continuous learning.

Video editing technology is constantly evolving and new software and tools are constantly being introduced. This requires constant learning and updating of skills to keep up with the latest technologies and trends.
Especially in recent years, the rise of AI has made it easier to create text and images. Video generation AI also exists, and companies are even using AI to create commercials.

Continuous learning takes time and effort and can be a major burden, especially for those who find it difficult to keep up with changes in technology.
Also, taking courses to learn new techniques and acquiring equipment and tools is often expensive, so cost should be a consideration.

Characteristics of a Suitable Video Editor

Becoming a video editor requires a specific skill set, as well as personality, creativity, and a sense of design. Here are some of the traits you should possess to be successful in this field.

Even if you do not fit into any of the characteristics at this time, all of them are the same: work hard at self-improvement and mastery.

Attention to detail.

Success as a video editor requires extraordinary attention to detail. Attention to detail is essential for creating the subtle emotional shifts and visual flow that allow viewers to become emotionally immersed in the story.

Attention to detail is required for subtle changes in color tones, synchronization of music and images, and even the slightest change in a character’s facial expression. These small elements come together to form the texture of the entire video work and enhance the immersive experience for the viewer.

For example, there are countless checkpoints during the editing process to ensure that there is no noise, unnatural jump cuts, or continuity problems. By not overlooking and handling these minor elements, we are able to create a professional piece of work.

Be creative and innovative in your thinking.

Video editors are not mere workers, but storytellers who tell stories and evoke emotions through their images. They are expected to create value beyond the given video material and provide viewers with a new perspective.

Video editors choose the most effective of a myriad of options, from how to cut and combine footage, to the use of transitions, to the adjustment of colors, to the selection of music and sound effects. These choices are critical to the emotional appeal of the viewer and are moments when creative decisions must be made.

Innovative thinking, on the other hand, refers to the willingness to incorporate new technologies and trends and to constantly evolve one’s video editing methods. Taking advantage of new software features and understanding changing social trends and audience preferences can bring a freshness to a video production.

With creativity and innovative thinking, editors will be able to constantly explore new ways to tell stories through video and produce work that leaves an indelible impression on viewers.

Editing skills and a willingness to continually learn.

Editing skills form the foundation for any video editor. This includes familiarity with the latest editing software, the ability to seamlessly integrate video and audio, and the use of advanced techniques such as visual effects and color grading.
You must have these skills and be able to learn to acquire them.

And technical skills are not something that you acquire once and are not finished. The video editing industry is constantly evolving, with new software releases and updates occurring frequently.
Along with this, new technologies and trends continually emerge, and editors must continue to learn these new pieces of information.

Video editing is a good fit for those who can immerse themselves in the process and not think of learning as an effort.

Excellent communication skills.

Video editors need to communicate effectively with the diverse stakeholders involved in the project, including the client, director, producer, and even sound and special effects specialists. It is essential to share the project vision, align expectations, and ensure that the final video product reflects everyone’s intentions.

You must be able to adequately explain why you chose to edit the film here and in this way. You must also be flexible enough to understand the feedback and suggestions of others and reflect them in your work.
In this way, it is important to be able to work with others to create a video. For this reason, communication skills are essential. Proper communication can lead to a long-term contract and a long life as a video editor.

Can improve scheduling and work efficiency.

Video editing tasks are often complex and you may have multiple projects going on at the same time. In such circumstances, meeting deadlines and consistently delivering high-quality work is of great value.
It is important to manage the schedule well, not only to meet final deadlines, but also to allow time for tentative submissions and meetings to better produce the video.

Efficiency is also an important aspect of this process. It is natural to deepen your understanding of video editing software and learn shortcut keys to make your work more efficient.
If the work involves content that you have never dealt with before, you will need to set aside time for learning, etc.

It is necessary for a video editor to be able to manage a schedule and work efficiently.

You have an overwhelming ability to focus and create a work environment.

Video editing is a concentrated process that requires attention to the smallest details and long hours of work. With concentration, you will be able to make minute adjustments to every moment of the video and maintain the overall quality of the video.

And to maintain concentration, it is important to have the right work environment. This includes providing a physical environment with proper lighting, a comfortable chair, and an efficient desk arrangement.

The same goes for the digital environment, including preparation of an efficient file management system, task management tools, and a calendar to easily track work.

Video editors who combine overwhelming focus with the ability to set up their work environment are able to work efficiently and deliver high quality deliverables despite long editing sessions.

Annual Salary and Career Path of Freelance Video Editors

In freelance video editing jobs, the annual salary and career path often differ significantly from that of a full-time employee. As a freelance video editor, you are your own business owner and must develop strategies to ensure income stability and build a sustainable career. In this section, we will delve into the average annual salary for freelance video editors and opportunities for career growth.

Average Annual Income for Freelance Video Editors

The annual salary of freelance video editors varies widely depending on their experience, skills, and expertise, as well as market demand. Therefore, it is difficult to give a general average annual salary.

When starting freelance video editing work, it is possible to take on low unit price work at first and then increase the unit price as you gain experience and gain skills. Of course, jobs with high unit prices often require high skills.

More than that, relationships with other people are also very important. In many cases, you may be assigned another job because you did well on that project, or you may get more work through referrals.
In addition, there is also a type in which a third party acts as an intermediary between the video editor and the client, but the unit price tends to be higher for those who deal directly with the client. However, it is advisable to avoid taking on a project that was originally introduced by a third party and aiming for a direct deal with the end-client in order to raise the unit price, as this would be considered dishonest.

In this way, it is possible to increase your annual salary by improving your skills and gaining experience. From there, you can also chart a career path outside of video editing.

What is the career path for freelance video editors?

Freelance career paths are diverse, depending on personal goals and market demands.
There are many different genres of video editing, including film, drama, action, and interviews. Skills vary by genre, so you may develop a broad range of skills or become more specialized.
You may also move from video editing to becoming a director or producer.

The following are examples of the types of career paths that can be charted.

Transitioning to Director

Transitioning from freelance video editor to director is often seen as a natural progression in one’s career.

Experience as a video editor provides a deep understanding of video storytelling and visual flow, and these are essential skills for success as a director. By becoming a director, you will be responsible for setting the vision for a project and leading a team of actors, cinematographers, music directors, editors, and others to bring that vision to life.

You can also unite other video editors to turn around a project, and the communication skills you developed as a single video editor will be put to good use both vs. client and vs. video editor.

Becoming a Producer

The transition to producer is suitable for video editors interested in the managerial aspects of video production.

Producers are responsible for project financing, budgeting, scheduling, and overall project oversight. The editor’s understanding of detailed project flow is a major advantage in the producer role.

If you look at it in terms of differences from a director, a director is more focused on producing the video and getting the project underway, whereas a producer sees the project all the way through, including the project budget.
If you want to start your own projects, you may be a good fit for a producer.

Toward a higher level of technical exploration

For freelance video editors pursuing more advanced skills is one way to deepen their expertise and increase their value in the marketplace.
This may include learning the latest editing software and video techniques, experimenting with new video expression, or specializing in a particular genre or style, such as CG and VFX skills, creating videos using the increasingly popular AI, or even broadening their skill set beyond video editing to include filming. This may be the case.

Highly skilled editors will be able to take on more complex and demanding projects and, as a result, earn higher compensation.
They can also serve as educators and consultants within the industry, contributing to the overall development of the industry by sharing their knowledge and experience with other professionals.

What it takes to become an independent freelance video editor

Starting a freelance video editing business requires proper preparation and strategy. Making a living as an independent video editor requires not only technical skills, but also knowledge of business operations.

Here we will discuss what you need to do to prepare before going independent as a freelancer, acquire the necessary skills, and acquire clients and build relationships.

Preparing to become a freelancer

Before becoming a freelancer, you need to evaluate your own skills and define what services you can offer.

You need to understand what you can do now, what skills you intend to acquire, and the market you are entering, and determine which genres and skills are in demand.
This includes identifying your target clientele, pricing, and developing a marketing strategy.

Furthermore, if you are opening your own freelance business, you will also need to understand the legal requirements and complete the necessary procedures at the government office. Regardless of whether you are a video editor or not, you should research and learn about the knowledge and procedures required to become a freelancer.

How to Study and Get Work

If you have no experience in video editing, you will start with the basics, such as cut editing and putting in tickers. Beyond that, however, what you study and how you proceed will depend on the kind of video editor you want to become.
And in addition to studying, you will also need to conduct sales activities to obtain work.

In this regard, we have created a roadmap for becoming a video editor, so please see below for more details.

How to make video editing your career? Also explains the key to becoming a freelance independent!
How to make video editing your career? Also explains the key to becoming a freelance independent!

Client Relationship Building

Building strong client relationships is essential for long-term success. This includes understanding how they expect you to perform, communicating frequently, and meeting deadlines.

By building a reputation as a reliable partner, clients will continue to turn to you for work, and you can expect referrals to other potential clients. You can also build stronger partnerships by understanding your clients’ needs in depth and providing value of your own.

Asking for feedback and improving your services based on the feedback provided is also important to strengthening the relationship.

Deepen your understanding of the video editing profession and consider your future.

Video editing is a unique profession that combines technical skills with creativity. This field is in increasing demand in a wide variety of media, including film, television, advertising, and social media, and its importance is expected to continue to grow.

Think about what kind of video editor you want to become and look ahead to your future career path. With the number of video editing schools nowadays, some people may have the impression that video editing is a side job that anyone can easily do. However, it is also necessary to consider whether you are really suited to be a video editor and whether you want to become one.

Finally, the above is a discussion of general ideas about video editing and the direction to take afterwards.
However, video editing is only one way to achieve some goal. What does the client want to achieve with it? If you are an artist, what do you want to express? To realize this is the essence of making your skills (regardless of video editing) into a job.

Team HENSHIN supports creator development. We especially welcome those who are interested in CG/VFX/AI and want to make it their career.
If you are interested, please take a look at the following page.

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半導体商社開発プランナーを経て、何を思ったか動画編集を開始。編集、CGの楽しさの虜になり、映画やCMの現場に突入し続ける。クライアントと案件を通じて、HENSHINすることが使命。映画やCM制作などのCG/VFX映像の制作を行うTeam HENSHINの代表。プロの動画クリエイターを束ねる。動画広告も得意で、動画を活用した課題解決が得意。