
How much is the price for drone photography? How costs are determined and tips for selecting a vendor!


Drone photography has been recognized in recent years for its performance and usefulness in many industries and now has a wide range of applications for such photography. However, many people still do not understand the pricing and plan fees for drone photography, even at this time.

This article will explain in detail the price quotes for drone photography, how those costs are determined, as well as tips for selecting a vendor.

Drone Photography Basics

Drone photography is a new method of aerial photography. Because of legal restrictions and technical hurdles, drone photography requires an understanding of basic information.
Here we will explain the basics of drone photography.

Drone photography and legal restrictions

When flying a drone, there are laws and regulations for each country and region.
In Japan, there are restrictions on where and when to fly, and on the weight of the aircraft. In particular, it is important to note that there are strict restrictions in densely populated areas and around airports.

Before planning aerial photography by drone, be sure to check the relevant laws and regulations and obtain the appropriate permits.

Please note that unauthorized drone photography may be subject to penalties, so be very careful.

Can’t take drone photos by yourself?

Although drone photography requires special skills and knowledge, even beginners can try it by learning basic operations.

However, practice and experience are essential for capturing high-quality images. It is also necessary to understand equipment handling and legal regulations.

One option for safe and effective filming is to hire a professional contractor.

Even if you shoot on your own, be sure to understand safety measures and legal restrictions before doing so. For more information, please see the following articles

▶ Article in preparation

Examples of drone photography applications

Drone photography is increasingly being used in a wide variety of situations. Their compelling images are useful for recording and promoting a wide variety of occasions.

Aerial photography at weddings and events

ドローン 結婚式

Aerial photography using drones has become popular for weddings and events. Capturing memories of special occasions from a bird’s-eye view can leave a more emotional image.
Also, for large-scale events, footage that provides a bird’s-eye view of the atmosphere of the venue and the participants is very effective for reviewing and promoting the event at a later date.

Promotion of real estate properties

ドローン 不動産

Increasingly, drone photography is being utilized when selling or leasing real estate properties. Video footage that allows the viewer to grasp at a glance the property’s surrounding environment, location, and site size is extremely helpful to prospective buyers and tenants.
Especially in the case of luxury properties and properties with large lots, drone photography is indispensable as a means of conveying the property’s appeal to the maximum extent possible.

Filming of tourist attractions and natural scenery

ドローン 観光

In some cases, drone photography of tourist attractions and beautiful natural scenery can bring out the best in a place.

An aerial perspective can capture the vastness, grandeur, and beauty that can be seen from a bird’s eye view perspective, which cannot be obtained from the ground.
In particular, drone photography can convey a sense of scale in vast natural landscapes, coastlines, and mountain ranges.

In fact, drone photography is often used in tourism promotions, tourist guidebooks, and websites.

Construction sites and land surveys

ドローン 建設

Drone photography is in increasing demand at construction sites and land surveys.
Drone photography at construction sites is often used to confirm progress and safety, as well as for later reporting materials.

In the case of land surveys, images are also taken to grasp at a glance the shape of the land, the surrounding environment, and the relationship with neighboring properties.

This allows for more accurate and efficient planning and decision-making.

Sporting and entertainment events

ドローン スポーツ

Aerial photography using drones is becoming increasingly common at sporting and entertainment events.

Large-scale events and sports matches in particular often require images to cover a wide area or powerful shots from specific angles.

Also, at entertainment events such as live concerts and festivals, footage that provides a panoramic view of the excitement of the audience and the stage can be very useful for later review and PR activities.

How drone photography costs are determined

The cost of drone photography varies depending on the equipment used, time, location, and options.
Here is an explanation of how each factor affects the cost.

Type and price of equipment used

The price of drone photography is greatly influenced by the equipment used.

In general, if you use a high-performance drone or a specialized camera, the cost will be proportionally higher. For example, a drone with a 4K resolution camera is more expensive than one with full HD.
Prices also vary depending on the brand and model of equipment.

If some specialized filming is required, specific equipment may be needed, so discuss this with the vendor in advance.

Costs vary depending on the time and location of the shoot.

The price of drone photography is also affected by the time and location of the shoot.

For example, the cost of shooting in urban centers may increase due to the increased time and risk involved in obtaining permits.
Also, the longer the shoot, the more the cost will increase. Other additional fees may be incurred for filming at night or in certain weather conditions.

If you want to know specific prices, get quotes from several vendors and choose a plan that can be done within the cost range you each plan to charge.

Impact of additional options or special requests

Additional options exist for drone photography in addition to the basic shooting fee.

For example, you may want to add a post-production collection, special effects, or music.
These options will naturally increase the cost, but it is a relief to be able to ask a professional to even create the data.

There may also be additional charges for special requests, for example, if there are sensitive manipulation skills required, such as shooting from a particular angle or targeting only a specific time of day.

Thus, if you have clear requirements, it is recommended that you consult with the vendor in advance to obtain a detailed estimate.

Basic price quotes for drone photography

Pricing for drone photography is offered by different vendors in a variety of plan configurations. Prices vary depending on the plan and options (additional items and shooting time).

The following is a detailed explanation of these plans and options, so please use them as a reference when estimating costs.

Basic plan: 50,000 yen and up

Many companies offer basic drone photography prices starting at 50,000 yen.

In this price range, simple filming is the main focus, with basic equipment including a drone and camera.

This is suitable for short shoots or when there are no special requests and you simply want footage that can be shot with a drone.

Recommended for those who want to commission a trial drone shooting or for those who want to keep the budget low.

Intermediate Plan: 100,000 yen and up

The price range for the intermediate plan is above 100,000 yen. It is suitable for shooting that requires more advanced equipment and techniques.

For example, it is often chosen for shooting from difficult angles that require the pilot’s operation and filming skills, or when special editing is required.

By assuming the use of equipment that requires a certain level of skill, it is possible to have higher quality images shot.

Advanced Plan: 300,000 yen and up

For the more advanced plans, the price range starts at 300,000 yen.
These plans are mainly for shooting that requires state-of-the-art equipment and special techniques.

Examples of this price range include shooting for large-scale events, special editing of shot data, long shoots, and other detailed requests.

Although pricey, these plans are popular with professional video creators and major companies.

Additional special options: 50,000-100,000 yen

Special option pricing may cost an additional 50,000 to 100,000 yen. Of course, this is just a market price, and there are often cases where this price is exceeded.

Options include the use of a drone or specific equipment that requires advanced skills related to filming, or if you want us to do all the editing for you.

This option is especially applicable for night shoots or when special effects are added to the captured data.

Long time shooting: additional fee applies.

For longer shoots, additional fees are generally charged.

The amount of the surcharge varies depending on the length and content of the shoot, and should be discussed with the vendor in advance.

As an example, this additional fee often applies to shoots that last longer than one day or to shoot projects that span multiple days.

Points to keep in mind when hiring a professional for drone photography

When outsourcing drone photography to a professional, there are many points to consider, including how to choose a vendor, preparation in advance, and legal checks.
Here, we will explain in detail the key points to avoid mistakes when outsourcing.

Check the drone contractor’s track record and reputation.

When hiring a drone photography service, it is very important to choose the right vendor. It is important to carefully check their track record and reputation, and choose a contractor with high reliability and technical skills.

In particular, past work, user/client reviews, and reviews will give you an idea of the potential of the contractor. It is a good idea to confirm that the company can shoot the images you want.

There are not many services that offer drone photography, so it is very important to do this preliminary research on their track record.

Make sure to have a preliminary meeting and estimate.

It is important to discuss the details of the shoot, the desired image of the video, and the budget well in advance.
Also, once you have received an estimate, confirm that the shooting will be possible within your budget.

In addition, remember to confirm the detailed plan and price breakdown to avoid unintended additional charges.

Confirm filming permits and regulations

Drone photography may require special permission depending on the location and purpose.
Make sure to check if the company can handle this as well. Naturally, do not hire a company that does not have knowledge of laws and regulations.

In addition, laws and regulations are becoming stricter these days, so it is necessary to check the laws and ordinances related to aerial photography and follow the appropriate procedures before taking a drone photo.

If you violate any of them, you may be subject to fines or criminal penalties, so you must be very careful.

Be prepared for changes in weather and shooting conditions.

Drone photography is greatly affected by weather and wind conditions. It is necessary to check the weather forecast for the day of the shoot and consider postponing the shoot in case of rain or strong winds.

It is also important to thoroughly prepare and discuss in advance so that you can flexibly respond to unexpected situations, such as changes in shooting location conditions or equipment problems.

To avoid mistakes! Ask a professional for drone photography!

When we unpacked the price required for drone photography and its breakdown, we hope that you now understand that drone photography requires specialized knowledge and skills.

If a novice attempts to shoot by hand, legal troubles and filming mistakes can occur, so hiring a professional contractor is not a mistake as a means to an end.

To get the ideal footage, be sure to be aware of the price range and choose the right contractor.

Team HENSHIN offers drone filming services. Our professional cameramen, who are also involved in film and commercial production, will capture your ideal footage. If you are interested in our services, please visit our services page.

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Team HENSHINのドローン撮影サービス
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