
[Latest in 2024] Is a flight permit required for drone photography? When you don’t need one and tips on how to apply.

ドローン 許可申請

Video and photographs taken with a drone have a dynamic appeal that cannot be obtained from the ground. Drones are now a familiar presence that can be easily purchased at electronics retailers.

Are drones allowed to be flown anywhere, anytime?
If you do not have a solid grasp of the rules beforehand, you may unknowingly violate the law or get into trouble with a third party.

Here we will explain in detail when a permit is required to fly a drone and the procedure for obtaining a permit.

Necessity of Permission for Drone Photography

Drones may require two types of permission: to fly and to film.
This section explains the necessity of permission for “filming.

In principle, permission is not required for drone photography.

As with ordinary cameras, permission to take photographs with a drone is not required in principle.

However, there are some places where it is prohibited by the administrator depending on the facility. For example, in the case of parks, it may be prohibited by the local government. If you wish to take photographs, do your homework in advance and obtain permission if necessary.

Also, if a third party is caught on film and the individual can be identified, there is a possibility of an invasion of privacy. To prevent problems before they occur, ask the person you are photographing for permission.

Situations in which permission to photograph is required

Permission for drone photography should be determined based on the location where you will be filming.

For private property or commercial facilities, it is the facility manager, and for public places, it is the management division of each municipality. Rules differ for each location, so it is necessary to confirm the rules in advance; some may be posted on their websites, but if you are unsure, we recommend that you contact the facility in advance to confirm.

Even if you have permission to take photographs, you must be careful not to disturb others.

Permission for drone flights is required.

When filming with a drone, even if you do not need permission to film, you may need permission to fly.

Drone flights are regulated by the Civil Aeronautics Law, the Law Concerning the Prohibition of Flying of Small Unmanned Aircraft, etc., and local government ordinances.

When planning a drone flight, check in advance whether it will violate these laws and regulations, and if the flight is subject to such regulations, a flight permit is required.

Is a drone flight permit absolutely necessary?

There are multiple laws and regulations regarding drone flights, and unknowingly flying a drone may be in violation of these laws and regulations.

Whether or not a permit is required depends on where and how the drone is flown.

Situations in which a permit application is required

Here are some of the situations in which you may need to apply for a permit to fly a drone.

Location to be flown

The following locations are required to apply for a permit to fly a drone

  • Airspace above 150 meters
  • Emergency service area
  • Around airports, etc.
  • Artificial Concentration Districts (DID Districts)

These airspaces are regulated by the Civil Aeronautics Law of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

Although there are only a few cases that fall under the emergency use zones, it is advisable to understand them before flying. You can check them below.

Aviation: Flight rules for unmanned aerial vehicles (drones, radio-controlled aircraft, etc.) – Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism

Of the above, the most likely areas to fall under this category are man-made concentration areas (DID areas), which are almost always urban areas. It is advisable to check each time before flying.

The restricted airspace in the man-made concentration zone (DID zone) can be checked on the GSI map, but there are also dedicated smartphone applications available, which we recommend installing if you fly frequently.

GSI Maps|GSI (Geospatial Information Authority of Japan)

In addition, there are areas regulated by the National Police Agency under the Law Concerning the Prohibition of Flights by Small Unmanned Aircraft, etc., which are separate from the locations regulated by the Civil Aeronautics Law mentioned above. It is recommended that you also check with the National Police Agency.

In addition, inquire in advance to obtain permission from the facility administrator, local government, or other authorities for locations that require permission.

How to fly

The following locations are required to apply for a permit to fly a drone

  • Flying out of sight
  • Flying at Night
  • Flight over an event
  • Flight where distance from persons or objects cannot be maintained (within 30 meters)
  • Dropping objects
  • Transportation of hazardous materials

These are called “specified flights” and require a flight permit.

Transporting hazardous materials and dropping objects are probably not applicable in many cases, but flying out of sight is relatively easy to fall under this category.

Situations that do not require a permit application

If the above-mentioned flight sites and methods do not apply to you, you do not need to apply for a permit.
As an example, there are many places where a permit is not required, such as unpopulated mountainous areas and beaches. Permission is also not required when using a dedicated drone training facility.

Flying without a flight permit…

Flying without a permit in a regulated area is subject to a fine of up to 500,000 yen.
This can lead to problems with the facility manager and other consequences that you may not be able to avoid if you were unaware of the situation.

To avoid such violations, check in advance and apply for a permit as necessary.

How to apply for a drone flight permit

If your flight falls under any of the above specified flights, you are required to apply for a flight permit from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
In addition to the specified flights, applications should also be made to the Law Concerning the Prohibition of Flying of Small Unmanned Aircraft and other related laws, as well as to local governments as necessary.
The application procedure is as follows

Application for permission for specified flights (Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism)

When conducting specified flights with a drone, it is necessary to obtain permission from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism in accordance with the Civil Aeronautics Law. Applications are processed through the Drone Information Platform System (DIPS 2.0).

Log in to the Drone Information Platform System (DIPS 2.0)

Applications to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) are made through the Drone Information Platform System (DIPS 2.0).
First-time users should start by creating an account.

ドローン情報基盤システム(DIPS 2.0)にログイン

If you log in to DIPS2.0 and scroll down a little, you will find the “Procedures for specific flights” section.


Click on “Flight Permit/Application Procedures”. If you are a first time user, please also complete the unmanned aircraft procedures on the right.


When you enter the “Flight Permit/Application Procedures,” you will see a section titled “Prepare an Application for a Flight Permit/Approval. If you are making a new application, proceed from “New Application”.

If you have already applied, you can check the “List of Applications”.

Simplified Category Judgment

When you enter a new creation, a simple category determination begins.


Select the one that applies to the planned flight site and method and proceed. If you receive a Category I decision at this stage, the application screen will be closed because the flight does not fall under the category of specified flight.

Preparation of flight permit applications

If the decision is Category II or higher, proceed directly to the Application for Flight Permit screen.


Enter details according to the flight plan, including the purpose, date, time, route and altitude of the flight, and measures for safety control.

Complete the application by entering everything up to STEP05 under “Flight Summary” in the image above.

Verify application form

Once the application is complete, it will be reviewed. Since it takes the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism at least 10 working days to review the application, it is advisable to apply as early as possible.

You can check the status of your application from the “Application List” in the main menu of Flight Permits and Approvals.




Click the “Inquiry Edit / Permit Confirmation” button to view the prepared application form.

Once the review is completed, the application for a flight permit to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is complete. You can choose to receive the permit in electronic form or in writing by mail.

Application for permission under the Law Concerning the Prohibition of Flying of Small Unmanned Aircraft, etc. (National Police Agency)

The National Police Agency has jurisdiction over the area of important national facilities and their vicinity. The National Diet Building, bases of the Self-Defense Forces and the U.S. Armed Forces, nuclear power plants, etc. are subject to this prohibition, and a 300-meter area in the vicinity is a prohibited area where flying is prohibited.

Although it is desirable to avoid flying over these important national facilities, it is possible to apply for a permit from the National Police Agency.

Contact the facility in question directly to obtain permission.

Permission under the Law Concerning the Prohibition of Flights by Small Unmanned Aircraft, etc., must be applied for with the National Police Agency, but before application can be made, permission must be obtained from the facility in the vicinity of the flight. The contact point for each facility differs, so contact them directly by e-mail or phone to confirm.

Once you have obtained permission from the facility, you will then apply to the police, who will require proof of permission from the facility. You will need to receive documentation from the facility to prove that they have given you permission to fly.

If you do not obtain permission at this stage, you will not be allowed to fly.

Application to the Prefectural Public Safety Commission

Once permission is obtained from the subject facility, complete the following documents along with a copy of the documents obtained in Step 1, and apply to the public safety commission of the subject prefecture via the police station.
The application must be made at least 48 hours prior to the flight.

Present the drone aircraft at the police station.

The actual drone to be flown must be presented at the time of document submission in Step 2.

If it is difficult to present the actual aircraft, a photograph may be accepted. Unlike the Civil Aeronautics Law, the Act on the Prohibition of Flying of Small Unmanned Aircraft is also applicable to toy drones. Even with a toy drone, do not omit to file a report.

Flight permits for public facilities (each municipality)

Parks, rivers, beaches, and forested mountain areas are managed by local governments and administered by their respective departments.
Names and roles vary from municipality to municipality, and the following are just a few examples.

  • Parks: Parks Division, Open Space Division
  • Coastal: Civil Engineering Office, Agriculture and Fisheries Division
  • Rivers: River Affairs Office
  • Forest and Mountain Department: Forest Management Bureau

As you can see, the local government management department differs depending on the location where the flight is to take place.
The information, including whether flying is allowed or not, is posted on the website, so please check before flying. If permission is required, the procedures are also listed.
If you want to confirm details, call directly for consultation.

Check in advance if you need a flight permit for drone photography!

While drones can make an impact, it is necessary to check regulations before flying. The application process to obtain a flight permit takes a lot of time and effort.

Team HENSHIN accepts requests for drone photography, including advance preparation and the permit application process. Please feel free to contact us if you are interested.

Click here to see Team HENSHIN’s drone photography.

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村上 瞭
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半導体商社開発プランナーを経て、何を思ったか動画編集を開始。編集、CGの楽しさの虜になり、映画やCMの現場に突入し続ける。クライアントと案件を通じて、HENSHINすることが使命。映画やCM制作などのCG/VFX映像の制作を行うTeam HENSHINの代表。プロの動画クリエイターを束ねる。動画広告も得意で、動画を活用した課題解決が得意。